Take Action
Have a say in the future of your city. The WCC are running a public consultation period on the ‘Planning for Growth’ proposal. Public consultation is open now and is set to end on 5 October 2020.
The WCC are not being transparent with Wellingtonians about the true implications of the draft spatial plan and the fact that its proposed solution for providing affordable housing and a compact, green city is one that will sacrifice the city’s heritage and character. Although throughout the draft spatial plan there are references to “streetscape character” and “gentle” / “sensitive” development, the reality of what is being proposed means Wellington’s heritage will be reduced to remnants.
This is not about heritage vs housing. Both are possible. Demand a better, more nuanced approach from your elected officials and call on them to develop a plan that doesn’t destroy heritage. Once it is gone, it is gone forever.
Write to Wellington City Council
Email your concerns to planningforgrowth@wcc.govt.nz.
Make a submission
Fill out an online submission form on the WCC’s ‘Planning for Growth’ website by clicking HERE
Make sure you strongly disagree with proposed intensification in the inner suburbs and all points relating to “the refined approach to the pre-1930 character areas” and the removal of the “pre-1930 character demolition controls”.
Template for engagement
To streamline the process and save you time we have written a letter template to send to planningforgrowth@wcc.govt.nz.
Dear WCC & Councillors,
I strongly disagree with the Draft Spatial Plan (released 10 August 2020). The plan risks destroying Wellington’s inner city heritage suburbs. I am concerned about inappropriate development in the suburbs of Thorndon, Mt Victoria, Aro Valley, Mt Cook, Newtown and Berhampore.
These suburbs are some of the oldest in Aotearoa and are of national significance. Their unique character was built over more than 100 years but could be quickly erased.
I strongly disagree with removing current protections, (whereby a resource consent is required prior to demolition of pre-1930s buildings) from 70-80% of those suburbs.
I am seriously concerned about the lack of transparency in the Draft Spatial Plan and associated communications. Your team has asked the public if they want affordable housing and a compact, liveable city. Of course we want those things. You have not, however, asked whether Wellingtonians want it at the expense of the city’s heritage. Stop using heritage as a scapegoat and pitting it against affordable housing.
At a time of great social and economic change, I urgently call on you to pause and take time to implement the NPS-UD properly by exempting heritage sites and areas from intensification.
Kind regards,
Your name