What is Keep Wellington’s Character
Keep Wellington’s Character (KWC) is a heritage based campaign developed in response to the Draft Spatial Plan. It is a non-partisan and non-political vehicle intended to draw attention and create awareness about the effects of the Draft Spatial Plan on Wellington's heritage. KWC brings together heritage advocates and was designed to collate resources and information to provide easy access to the public. KWC is not an organisation or a group, rather a platform for sharing information and championing heritage issues.
The chairperson of Historic Places Wellington, Felicity Wong, spearheaded the initiative and led the effort to set up the website and print brochures etc. The campaign has had input and various degrees of engagement from a broad range of heritage experts and advocates from across the city who have lent their time and expertise to our shared cause of safeguarding Wellington's unique character and heritage.
Contact us
We would love to hear from you if you would like copies of the campaign brochure or poster or if you have knowledge, information or time you would like to dedicate to this cause.